Count your blessings
What do you typically spend more of your time doing: praising or
complaining? Unfortunately I think most
of us frequently focus on the latter.
Why it that? I believe that we
complain so much because it’s easier.
Complaining comes naturally. It’s
the natural inclination of the human heart to center itself on the things and
in the places where it seems we have been slighted or treated unfairly.
I could search the internet to support
this theory of mine, but honestly, all I need to do is to look in my own
mirror. The weight of the world and the
difficulties of life tend to weigh upon my heart like a sumo wrestler riding on
an old pack mule. And that causes me to
get self-centered and defensive about what I feel are my own rights and what I
But diagnosing this problem is only
half of the battle. It does me little
good to simply recognize this corrupted position of my heart; I must take
action against it. So, how does one do
that? Through taking some sort
medication or by letting TV carry us away to a far off land of
make-believe? While those may bring
temporary relief, they simply just mask the condition that has infected our
spirit. After much contemplation in my
own life, the only true remedy is to allow my thoughts to be engulfed in the mercies
of God that are expressed to me each day.
Too often
I pop up out of bed in a zombie-like state, oblivious to the world around
me. I throw back the warm blankets,
place my feet on the manicured carpet, flip the switch to send electricity
streaming to the bulb in the lamp, and raise the handle on the faucet to allow
the cool water to flow. I forget that
there are people in distant lands that cannot even imagine these modern
conveniences. Later, after dressing
myself in the proper attire, I walk out of the front door of my home, push a
button that gives me access to the multiple thousand dollar vehicle I “own”,
drive confidently to my destination, and join with others in the daily dose of
bitterness that seems to have overwhelmed our culture. Throughout the day I will overlook the
beautiful sky, the sweet tune of the birds, the refreshing air that inflates my
lungs, and the affectionate touch of friends and family who care for me.
You and I are so blessed; and we don’t
realize the full depth of the Father’s love for us!! If I were to list all the blessed goodness of
the Lord in my life, hundreds of pages could not contain it! If we were to grasp the infinite grace of God
in our lives, our response would be like that of the angels in Isaiah 6:3, "Holy,
Holy, Holy, is the LORD of hosts, The whole earth is full of His glory."
To focus on our blessings more than our
struggles is simply a choice; and not an easy one. To continually gripe and complain appeals to
our fallen nature and gives us a release from our struggles, but it will never refill
our souls. It empties us and leaves us
bitter and defeated. But as we return
our blessings to the Lord in praise, what we find is a never ending stream of mercy
that floods our soul and drowns out our pitiful cry of self-righteousness. Praise may not remove all of our obstacles,
but it will give us the strength to overcome them.
are blessed; be a blessing to others.
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