Redeeming the Time
Time is a very interesting thing,
it’s so tricky and deceptive! While I know that time is constant, it seems as
if at different periods and stages of life that time runs differently. For
example, time seems to move much faster when you are on vacation than when you
are going about your normal work week. When you are in the long line at the
DMV, time seems as if it’s at an agonizing stand-still. I remember growing up, right
after Thanksgiving ended, we would begin to count the days until Christmas, which
seemed to take an eternity! As you get older, time seems to get lost as the
days trail off into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. The best
we seem to be able to do is to hold on and not get too lost in its flow.
But wouldn’t it be interesting if
you knew what time you had left? What would you do if you knew that you only
had a month or a few weeks to live? What would be your focus? What would be the
most important thing that you would spend your time doing?
Some of us would spend time with
family and friends. We would make sure that they knew how much we loved them
and cared for them. We would seek to make new memories with them and enjoy
every moment together. Maybe we would seek to repair damage and hurt we had
caused others. We might offer and seek forgiveness from those we’ve offended
and those who have offended us. We might finish off our bucket lists and travel
to places we’ve always wanted to go and see things we have always wanted to
see. Some of us might even look into getting ourselves right with God before the
day we were going to meet Him.
You know what the strange thing is,
we don’t realize how little time we have until we realize how little time we
have left. World-wide, human life expectancy is 72.6 years. The closer you get
to that, the more you realize how short this life we have been given really is.
It seems like yesterday when Taima and I were having our babies and raising a
young family. Now, our baby boy is having a baby girl of his own! Life has changed
and time continues to fly by! But what is most important is what we do with the
time we have left.
We don’t realize how little time we have until we realize how little time we have left
Paul seems to understand this very
well, especially as it relates to the greatest task we have, making disciples
for the Kingdom of God. Paul tells the believers at Ephesus to: Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise
but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16 (ESV)
We live in extremely dark and evil
times, it’s all around us. From the hate and intolerance toward us from those crying
out for tolerance, to the acts of evil we see, like the tragedies that have
taken place in Uvalde and Tulsa. The days are evil because wicked people seek
to live out the wickedness of their hearts. In their sinful nature, they hate
God and pursue their own sinful desires.
What can
we, as followers of Christ, do in such evil days and in such wicked times? Paul
tells gives some important tasks we must pursue in 2 Timothy 4:1-8. He tells
Timothy to: “preach the word; be ready in season and
out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and
teaching.” Why does he say these things? Because, “…the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but
having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their
own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off
into myths.” So, because of this, we must fight “the good fight”, finish “the
race”, and keep “the faith”.
We must not waste the moments that God has given us than anything less than the pursuit of His glory!
If you look around
and wonder what the time is, the time is now! It’s time, past time, for God’s
church to rise out of the ashes of doubt and apathy of the past and
pursue the will of God as we strive to make disciples and live out His truth
for the world to see! No matter how much time you have left, we must not waste
the moments that God has given us than anything less than the pursuit of His glory!
Pastor Paul Beam
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